How many seeds exist for Java Minecraft?

Listen, I would love to go into the science of Minecraft seeds in great detail, but it would take forever, it is extremely complicated, and I am still trying to wrap my head around it all. Looking at the wiki and various questions from other people who are curious, it appears that there are an astounding 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 or 2^64 possible seeds. I would also like to point out that you could only get this many seeds using numbers or default generation. With a total of 4,294,967,29 possible seeds, the Bedrock edition has a significantly lower number of possible seeds. This is due to the fact that it employs an engine that can only generate 32-bit seeds (232). If you go by the 264 possible seeds, it would be far easier to win the lottery than to obtain a previously discovered seed (much less the same seed). When you have nearly 18.5 quintillion possibilities for a world, it is easy to compare your options to an infinite number. And...well, it could be. It is far more interesting to say that every random world has never been discovered before than to define it by a chance of 8 quintillions. If you still want the previous to be true, consider how many customization options you can give a world, and you will get a number that is nearly impossible for any computer to calculate. When you have nearly 18.5 quintillion world possibilities, it is easy to compare your options to an infinite number. And...well, it might be. It is far more interesting to say that every random world has never been discovered before than to define it by an 8 quintillion chance. If you still want to believe the previous statement, consider how many customization options you can give a world, and you will get a number that is nearly impossible for any computer to calculate.
