To begin with, big console companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft make money on both games and consoles, so in the beginning, they can sell consoles for less than their production costs because games still give them reasonable profits. As a result, they sell the console for around $400 dollars, with components worth around 450 dollars.
Second, the technical stuff: each console is a single, well-defined architecture. Because PCs have so many more variations, creating games for them is more difficult. As a result, gaming performance on consoles is superior to that of a comparable-powered PC.
Third, are they truly superior? (Of course, when the market is "normal," high GPU prices are a very bad anomaly.) New AAA games perform better on consoles, but a cheap PC is more flexible and can still do many gaming things that consoles cannot - and for many gamers, these things are more important than new AAA titles.
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